Earth Observation Services Jena GmbH is a new & innovative player in the dynamic geo cluster Jena! We are a university spin-off and use the latest technologies to create and analyze spatial data of various kinds. By maintaining a close contact to the department of Earth Observation at the university of Jena, we are able to benefit from new developments in data processing and retrieval algorithms to incorporate it into our service portfolio.
Satisfy your demand for accurate information about natural resources and manmade impacts on our planet. By decoding satellite measurements, we supply the insights you need for even the most remote areas of the world.
If you need your data analyzed, we are willing and able to offer our GIS services in which we store, edit and analyze your data to explore, map and illustrate the relevant information and insights it contains. Your project will benefit.
Because of our university background, we are at the cutting edge of new scientific insights, algorithms and models. Combined with years of experience in the field, we are able to provide you with professional and objective advice.
Earth Observation Services Jena GmbH (EOS Jena) is a new and innovative player in the dynamic geo cluster Jena! We are a university spin-off and use the latest technologies to create and analyze spatial data of various kinds.
We are a spin-off from the Chair of remote Sensing at the Institute of Geography at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (FSU) and is based in Germany. After being supported by the federal German EXIST program, we started our business in 2012. EOS Jena is a pioneer in the operational use of active microwave remote sensing data for mapping biomass and other forest related parameters, important for a sustainable forest resource management.
With special thanks to Robert Sanderson (Ph. D.), from the New Mexico State university for allowing us to share his script with you.
Was ist eigentlich Fernerkundung? für Einsteiger (German language)
Was ist eigentlich Fernerkundung? für Fortgeschrittene (German language)
With special thanks to Kerstin Voß for allowing us to use and share the above mentioned textbooks (PDF-format) which have been created in the course of a FIS-project at the university of Bonn.
We are pleased that you would like to contact us. We will take care of your request immediately and will be forwarded to the responsible contact person. please email us or call us at +49 3641 94 89 05.
Thank you for your trust – your E|O|S team
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