We currently have no vacancies, but we would be honored to receive your unsolicited application nonetheless. We only ask you to let your application reflect a complete description of your person and we do not mind a bit of creativity.
As EOS is still a young company we wish to maintain a flat hierarchy and keep it a team effort.
We offer flexible work hours and even the possibility of partially working from home to accommodate a healthy work-life balance (depending on your function within the company)
As part of the team, you are able to add your (creative) ideas and projects and even manage them till the goal has been achieved
We offer a challenging work environment and the possibility to grow with the company
Motivation is said to consist of several different pieces, the least important of which is a high financial remuneration. The more important pieces include having good colleagues, being allowed to express creativity, seeing a challenge in the goals you define, being able to identify with and be proud of your work, and own a piece of the company.
Find our contact information on our Contact site.
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